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3246 Atlanta Road Southeast
Smyrna, GA, 30080
United States

(770) 435-9393

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Liver Detox Tincture

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Liver Detox Tincture


Build your liver, kidneys and intestines to increase their efficiency while gently and safely allowing natural herbs to aid your body in it’s natural , vital detoxing process. Lessen the burden on your body’s detoxing organs in our current world of extreme toxin overload.

Symptoms that commonly indicate you need to help your body to detox better: any swelling at all in the body, brown or discolored tongue, age spots on your skin, bad breath, smelly, slow or non existent bowel movements or urine, among other things. A healthy person can use this product 1-2 times per year to strengthen and assist their detox organs. If you have health challenges or have a higher toxin load than normal due to use of pharmaceuticals, disease, environmental or lifestyle toxins, etc, please inquire about a wellness consult to help you make the lifestyle changes necessary to help your body.

Ingredients: licorice root, dandelion root, milk thistle, barberry, yellow dock, parsley, nettle leaf, wild yam

General dosage: about 1 & 1/2 to 2 droppers full three times a day for the average person for as long as symptoms persist, ie: 1 week 1 month, etc. Can be used once or twice a year, as needed for general annual maintenance.

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