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Fierce Compassion Flower Essence

Floral Essences

Fierce Compassion Flower Essence

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Fierce Compassion Flower Essence

from $28.00

MAGNIFIES: Love, nurturing, appreciation of thingsjust as they are, healing, overall envelopment of love an caring for ourselves + others.

DISSOLVES: Old emotional wounds of the heart, feelings of loss, betrayal, resentment and abandonment.

AROMA: Roses, Dirt, Liquor, Caramel. Earthy, Rich, Floral. This is one of our most complex, unique + avant garde blends ~ we find it addictive. 

INGREDIENTS: Purified water (Aqua), Acacia decurrens (Mimosa) Absolute, Rosa damascena (Rose) Oil, Styrax tonkinesis (Benzoin) Absolute, Vitis vinifera (Cognac) Absolute, Rosa spp. (Rose) flower essence, Alcea rosea (Hollyhock) flower essence, Mandevilla sendari (Mandevilla) flower essence, Rhododendron ferrugineum (Rhododendron) flower essence, Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) flower essence, Nelumba nucifera (Lotus) flower essence and Rose Quartz gem essence.

How to Use:

Elixir: Enjoy 5 drops sublingually 5 times each day regularly until bottle is finished; or put a dropperful (approx. 25 drops) in your water bottle each morning and drink throughout the day.

Mist: Mist above and around your crown, neck and shoulders 5 times a day, everyday.

Oil: Apply to pulse points {wrists, neck, behind ears} 5 times daily for transformative results.

Essences Inside: Red Rose, Pink Rhododendron, Mandevilla Flower, Hollyhock, Pink Lotus, Yarrow, and Rose Quartz Gem Stone

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